Obviously, if I was never good at the game using a joystick, I'm not going to be any better on a version on which I have to use my keyboard arrow keys, right? But I tried anyway. It was rather frustrating, but there was one payoff: realizing just how many swear words are in my arsenal, and being extremely impressed.
Here is me dying on the second level with only a few pellets left. Damn bastard ghost pieces of shit.
Since I don't have the technology, money, time, or level of nerdiness and/or interest to create my own interactive doodles, I'm going to honor these great games by posting a couple of ridiculous songs by Buckner & Garcia.
Everyone remembers "Pac-Man Fever," right? I had the 45. I'm not sure why.
Now, THIS is the 45 I wish I'd had. Somehow, Centipede lover that I was, I never heard this song, "Ode to a Centipede." I'm so glad I found it now. It is gloriously cheesy. If Styx had decided to do another horrible concept album after Kilroy Was Here, this would have been that record's "Mr. Roboto."
My Best Man, T-Bone has a full sized Centipede arcaded game at is house. Actually, it belongs to his wife. She is the Ace.
And trackballs ROCK!
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Akoya pearl beads
Akoya Pearl Bracelets
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