I have no idea where I got that ridiculous hat but I'm sure that when I found it, I was thrilled to death that my ensemble would finally have that extra oomph needed to blind passersby. The white canvas shoes were a staple of my wardrobe back in the day. Since they got dirty so quickly, I used to actually paint them with white shoe polish to keep them dazzling. The Members Only jacket was a piss-poor substitute for the one I really wanted—Simon LeBon's white jacket with the black sleeves, immortalized in "The Reflex" video.
Speaking of Duran Duran, the funniest bit about this photo isn't actually the horrific fashion choices or the ridiculous hair; it's the fact that I couldn't bear sleeping somewhere other than my own bedroom for two days without slapping up at least one John Taylor poster.
Our big thrill wasn't seeing the national monuments or the Smithsonian, or even the cherry blossoms. No, it was visiting each other in our hotel rooms, restyling each other's hair, calling home, and gossiping.
Oh, the thrill.
Great, now that song is stuck in my head.