Normally, I dredge up the worst fashion choices of my youth for your amusement, but when I found this picture recently, I knew I finally had a style snapshot that I could display proudly.
Also, I wanted to take this opportunity to ask a favor of you, my dear readers. Could you all get together and take up a collection to buy me a pink satin jacket just like this in an adult size? I need that jacket back in my life.
Also, I wanted to take this opportunity to ask a favor of you, my dear readers. Could you all get together and take up a collection to buy me a pink satin jacket just like this in an adult size? I need that jacket back in my life.

Love the jacket. "Members Only"?
I could totally work that pink.
Q - How do you wake up Lady Gaga?
A - Poke her face.
Then run off laughing, because no one would have any idea what the EF you were talking about back in the day.
{She said brightly before ducking behind her PC screen}
although after this comment i'm guessing i'm about the least desireable person you want anywhere near you. understandable.
What happened?
I'm sorry, I couldn't resist. : P
You looked seriously cute!
(There. I put my words in the right order this time. Aaaaaaaand I think I'm going to go have a nap now. Bye.)