Have you ever seen a dress made out of wee-wee pads? If you answered "yes," you either know some very interesting people or you watched last night's Project Runway. If you answered "no," perhaps you should check out my Project Runway recap over on Starpulse.
And while you're clicking bright, shiny links, don't forget to vote in this week's iPod war.
Why do we say that someone was ON a television show but IN a movie?
The Change Up looks so bad. So so bad. Isn't the body-switching plot well dry yet?
I signed up to be an extra in a certain comic book-based movie currently being filmed in Pittsburgh, but I haven't received a call back yet. I'm guessing I'll never be getting that call. Dreams of meeting/marrying Gary Oldman? Dashed, yet again.

Are there people who actually like Blake Lively? How is this broad famous? How is she dating Leonardo DiCaprio? He's one of our generation's finest actors and she has maybe one or two more facial expressions than Kristen Stewart. Seriously, did anyone see The Town? Thank God she was only in it briefly. I was waiting for her to just look straight into the camera and say, "I'm a BAD girl! I do drugs! I'm slutty! I have a baby! Can't you see how wicked bad I am??" I don't know about everyone else, Blake, but I can see how bad you are.
On Wednesday, some idiot sent out a phony press release stating that Etta James had died. Said idiot posted the news on an impostor TMZ site, which has since been taken down. Harvey Levin will no doubt bleed the impostors dry, and I have no sympathy for them because Etta's my girl!! While Etta is

Sadly, Annette Charles, who played Grease's Cha Cha DiGregorio, did pass away on Wednesday. Kenickie went earlier this year, and now Cha Cha's gone?? Can someone please keep an extra close watch over John Travolta?
i can't watch that dance show, either. just watching the commercials on fast forward make me angry.
Then gone back to Leo.
Is there nothing we can do to help wee Leo DiCaprio and what must be his chronic lack of self esteem?
I mean...you know....sighs and goes back to sulking....
And I totally agree on Blake Lively -- loved The Town except for her, and avoided Green Lantern because of her. annoying waif. And I think the Kristen Stewart comparison is good, both are statues when i t comes to acting.
Very close.
Heck, go for "danger close".
It's for his own good.
And someone recently posted on FB that Lady Gaga had died...I was sad when I found out it wasn't true. : P
And thanks for the warning about that dance show. My dance plate is plenty full with DWTS and SYTYCD anyway.
YES. Also she can't TALK. It always sounds like she's struggling to enunciate through a mouthful of peanut butter.
*walking away looking confused*
ok so I have to admit, I watch Dance moms..
It's so bad, that I can't look away. and I have lived in that world withmy daughter, albeit briefly. So I can kinda feel for the moms even thought they are complete idiots for paying Ursula the Sea witch to traumatize teir children and them.
No ChaCha or Kenickie? oh how sad.
And I'm shocked and ashamed to discover that I was unaware there was a new season of Project Runway. I'm officially signing off the blogs this very second to see if I can get caught up with On Demand. Holy crap!