hopefuls auditioned
on the U.S.S. Midway
in San Diego
foghorns and airplanes
ruin several auditions
a blessing for some
dumb slut Jennifer
sings Jessica, Mariah
stick to hooking, dear

tries too hard to be Whitney
gets a yes, of course
wow, Jayrah Gibson
seems a little bit goofy
but sings well, goes through
then it's a montage
bunch of Hollywood-bound kids
we'll not see again

dolt thinks she's on Top Model
can't wait for her FAIL
Ali Shields is nuts
loves Ellen, raps, sings so-so
crazy makes the cut
Tyler greets Day 2
preps to hear same Adele song
for six effing hours
teenager Kyle Crews
that frat boy who serenades girls
cheeseball, but good voice

two when Jen was a Fly Girl
ha! i like this chick
Jason "Wolf" Hamlin
plays "git-fiddle," Creedence, Cash
makes it to next round
53 people
chosen from San Diego
next stop is Aspen
American Idol was on after the game? Yup, missed that one too.
It was certainly interesting for me to read that article. Thanx for it. I like such topics and anything that is connected to this matter. I definitely want to read more on that blog soon.
What better platform from which
They can jump the shark?
Did I do it? 5-7-5, right?