Tsk tsk tsk...I know, I know. I'm getting really bad at getting these recaps up within a reasonable time. But American Idol is getting really bad. So there.
Last night, the two themes were "Songs by California Artists" and "Songs They Wish They'd Written." The choices were pretty boring overall.
Although I like CCR and "Have You Ever Seen the Rain?," I've pretty much reached my limit with Dave Matthews-Bland™, so I totally fell asleep two seconds into his performance. Yeah, I pretty much slept through the whole show and went back and watched it on the DVR, but I still fast forwarded through this one. I stopped just long enough to hear the judges praising Phillip(s) as usual.

The gospel choir is still surgically attached to Joshua Ledet, and they propped him up yet again while he sang "You Raise Me Up." Amazingly, no standing ovation came with this performance, but the judges' tongue bath was still standard.

Because someone at AI has a good sense of humor, Phillip(s) and Joshua were paired up to duet again. This time, it was Maroon 5's "This Love," which ended up not being nearly as offensive as their take on "You've Lost That Lovin' Feeling." Still, Steven's assertion that it was the "best song, best vocal, best duet ever" was nothing more than the ravings of a lunatic.
Hollie and Jessica started out their duet of The Bangles' "Eternal Flame" on giant ribbon swings, which someone should have gagged them with. Seriously, these two girls both have very good voices, yet somehow this duet sucked something fierce. Randy finally presented a voice of reason from behind that table of lies and nonsense and told the girls that it was just "weird."
To waste some more time, we all got to see a video package of Adam Shankman stopping by the Idol mansion to show the kids the long trailer for Rock of Ages. As much as Tom Cruise annoys me, I have to admit that this movie looks like fun. And Tom is definitely less annoying than googly-eyed Idol alum Constantine Maroulis, who is the main reason I never went to see the Broadway play.
To tie in with the movie, the Final 4 sang an '80s power ballad: Foreigner's "Waiting For a Girl/Guy Like You." Ehhhhhhh.

Hollie's second song choice was Bonnie Raitt's "I Can't Make You Love Me," which Jimmy sort of tried to talk her out of doing since it required more emotion than she could have possibly conjured up...but he didn't try too hard. Because everyone wants her gone. And they'll probably get their wish, because the performance was pretty boring. The judges said as much, and Jennifer suggested that maybe Hollie should have sung the song to the voters, apparently because they don't love her and she can't make them. Ouch.

Jessica closed things out with the diva anthem, "And I'm Telling You," which she announced was her message to America that she is not leaving this competition. Because people like when contestants they already are sick of pull that kind of shit. I honestly didn't think it was that great. I was so distracted by the fact that her feet were FROZEN in one spot. Her one arm sort of flapped around every now and then, but the girl made Hollie look like the most dynamic performer of our time. And knowing that Jessica has been singing this song since she was 7 just makes it that much worse. There was no emotion there. It was all mechanical. But she fooled the judges. Jen thought it was so good that there was nothing she could even say about it, but still wasted several minutes fumbling for words. Randy finally brought back "IN IT TO WIN IT," but only for Jessica, Joshua and Phillip(s).
While it would be hilarious (and musically ironic) to see Jessica get booted tonight, I can't see any other outcome but a Hollie ouster. I can see Jessica in the Bottom 2 with Hollie (because they're girls), but I am telling you, Jessica's not going.
Find more Idol news and recaps at SirLinksaLot.
It's good to know that I wasn't the only one who's ears were bleeding after Joshua sang- Lord, but that man can screech! I swear there were points last night where I saw Jlo asking someone on the other side of Steven: "Now, tell me again, what did I think of this?". You could tell she was searching for more ways to use the word, "amazing". I'm just not seeing how they're going to market Joshua as a pop singer- Jessica either, for that matter. There's something weird about a 16 year old with an alter ego.
I hold out a shred of hope that Hollie will make it another week, but it's a slim shred- Jlo would probably jump up and shove Hollie off the stage if either of her pets gets the boot, I mean, how awesome would it be to watch those judges go into total nuclear meltdown over a "shocking result"?
I'll tell you- it would be totally AMAZING.