In another completely unsurprising turn of events, J.Lo's much-ballyhooed performance was utterly hilarious. I don't know how the woman can sit in judgment of singers, then go on stage and lip-sync and/or semi-sing to an Auto-Tuned backing track. Apparently, her balls are as big as her butt.
I think the only thing I'd give a thumbs-up to from last night's results show is David Cook's performance. I dug his new song. The guy isn't making world-changing music or anything, but I tend to generally enjoy his brand of melodic arena rock. It helps that he doesn't have the douche factor of, say, Daughtry.
On to next week, where the judges' Chosen Ones will have to battle it out with the seemingly unstoppable (by anything other than kidney stones) fan favorite.
Find more Idol news and recaps at SirLinksaLot.
In the finally, I hope The Philly Phanatic pees a big old kidney stone on stage the size of a Chicago 16" softball.