Sundance, what makes you think that being one of the best blues-light karaoke singers at your local dive qualifies you to touch a Pearl Jam song? You shouldn't be allowed to own a Pearl Jam record after shredding "Jeremy" like you did. You shouldn't even be allowed to say the words "pearl" or "jam" again. You should be banned from even having jam on toast, you hack.
When Seacrest announced prior to the commercial break that Sun BlockHead would be doing a PJ song, I should've turned the TV off right then and there. But no, my morbid curiosity got the best of me. Not surprisingly, Paula and Randy thought the performance was just fine. Simon proved, once again, that he's the only judge with a brain in his head. He didn't use the word "ghastly" though, as he often does. If ever there was a time to pull that baby out, it was during that peformance. I'm just hoping that I'll eventually forget the horror. My inner voice keeps chanting, try to forget this...try to erase this from the blackboard. I'll try. Until then, I'll just stand around looking like this:

But not nearly as hot.
Ok thanks alot for exploding my brain! I'm still not sure about the F/M/K question you left me!!! Well, Jon will be the K...
this guy has had more lives then Sanjaya.. he screwed up hollywood week and .. (yes I am going to say it again) they only kept him because they would have looked foolish after Simon's "You blew Taylor out of the water" comment during his audition
PLEASE Maybe both can go home and we can pour alcohol in our ears and wahs them out of our minds
Thus we have last night's horror - a truly cringe-worthy hacking to death of a great rock song.
Few have the voice of an Eddie Vedder - why even try it?