Now, it's time for that fall PopEye tradition where I refer you all back to my very first Thanksgiving post,
A Thanksgiving PSA from Tom Turkey. Sure, it's totally dated. Yet, strangely timeless. At least in my eyes. I still think of it as my best post ever.
Ah, what a warm feeling to know that I peaked less than six months after my foray into blogging! I'm enjoying the downhill slide, and I thank you all for letting me take you down with me.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to mentally and physically prepare myself for the post-Scattergories family brawl that will take place later this afternoon.
Thanks for reposting that for those of us laggards who didn't see it the first time. If turkey leftovers are silver, reheated Thanksgiving posts are gold.
And now, with supreme turkey envy, I wish you Happy Thanksgiving.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Hope you survived Thanksgiving!
I think it's timeless. And he won't become un-crazy. I assume you know of the existence of this song, which is amazing.