I was checking StatCounter again yesterday, because I always get a good chuckle out of some of the bizarre search terms that lead people to my blog. There was one this time around that really cracked me up because it seemed awfully random and, at the same time, intriguing. I couldn't help but wonder if this person was a wronged friend looking for answers in all the wrong places, or just some nutty stalker. Take a look.
It's an interesting question, no? After laughing about it for 10 minutes, I started to think, "Hmmm...why doesn't Alice Cooper answer this person's e-mails?" Always one to help any misguided soul who thinks this blog has any answers, I will play advice columnist and offer up a few possibilities.
- He's too busy during the day, and he doesn't like to e-mail at night because it takes valuable time away from his sleepy-time ritual.
- He's too busy feeding his Frankenstein.
- He's too busy with his duties at the Department of Youth.
- He's got a baby's brain and an old man's heart. Hence, he hasn't really caught on to this whole "e-mail" craze yet.
- He's got no class and he's got no principals. Er, principles.
- He's just tired of being Mr. Nice Guy all the time. Deal with it.
- He only uses his computer to communicate with the dead.
- He's just not that into you.
- He's tired of your shit. (Applies to Colonel Sanders only. For the last time, he is not making reparations to the chickens.)
I like the other search a few down from that one: error- this person is too ugly
As third-person talking Suede from Project Runway would say, people are whackadoodle.
IR - Don't use logic on my blog, please.