For the second year in a row, I have been nominated for Blogger of the Year in Grant Miller Media's Drysdale Awards. And, also for the second year in a row, I'm already in serious danger of losing. Therefore, I am going to take this opportunity to shamelessly beg for your votes. But no election would be complete without a little mudslinging. So before I explain why I deserve this award, I will explain why the other candidates don't deserve it. (Hum some dramatic music to yourself while reading this list.)
Some Guy, Some Guy's Blog - I mean, this should really be self explanatory. Some Guy? You're going to trust just some guy?? Clearly he's hiding something. Who knows what...pedophilia, necrophilia? I can almost guarantee it's some sort of horrible philia.
Dr. Zibbs, That Blue Yak - Well, first of all the guy has the worst post titles. Like, if this post were a Zibbs post it would be titled, "Vote. Awards. Making Fun Of Other Bloggers. West Chester PA Something Something." Secondly, he's not even a real doctor.
LiLu, Livit Luvit - She's got a really cool boyfriend, nice hair, and about seven gazillion followers. Voting for her would be like voting Regina George for Spring Fling Queen. Don't be so damn obvious, people.
Stash Bednarik, Grant Miller Media - He is nothing but the Mr. Hyde to Grant Miller's Dr. Jekyll.
Grant Miller, Grant Miller Media - He's married.
Red, Gingers is the Watchword - She's a real, honest-to-God firecrotch. We all know they're nice to look at, but do you really want one running your Blogosphere?
Wendy Brandes, Wendy Brandes Jewelry - So, fabulous Ms. Wendy already has like 64% of the vote or something, eh? Oh, I suppose that having celebrity friends, a killer wardrobe, and a successful jewelry business aren't enough for her. Noooo, she has to steal the only award that some of us pathetic blogging cretins will ever win in our meaningless lives. Nice. Real nice. By the way, I totally saw her kick a kitten the other day. Just throwing that out there.
The Vegetable Assassin, s/t - Also a firecrotch. Worse, she's not American. EVEN WORSE, she doesn't think Ewan McGregor is hot.
God, The Other Side of Normal - Major God complex. Canadian. Need I say more?
Samurai Frog, Electronic Cerebrectomy - I really don't know this dude but he always does really well at movie trivia on No Smoking in the Skull Cave. So, I guess that means that he'll just be sitting around watching movies while the Blogosphere slowly burns.
The Imaginary Reviewer, The Imaginary Review - I hate to burst your bubbles people, but everything this guy says is MADE UP.
Gwen, Everything I Like Causes Cancer - Even worse than Wendy the kitty-kicker, Gwen actually stalked and cooked a kitten for Thanksgiving dinner. Seriously. Check her blog. The sicko documented it. (Sure, the gory parts were cut out, but we all know what happened.)
Now, on to why EYE deserve this award. I'm not sure why I have to explain this but, uh, I kinda kick ass. Also, I have clearly overestimated the importance of this award, which proves that I'm also kinda unstable. I can't be held responsible for what I'll do if I lose. And if I win, my promise from last year to put a hot tub in the Blogosphere's cafeteria still stands.
Okay, so everyone's ready to vote for me, yes? Well, clicky on the Drysdale below to fill out your ballots! You'll find all the award categories in GMM's left sidebar.

You don't see ME pimping MY nomination do you? OK mainly it's because I haven't updated since Mr. Miller's nominations were revealed but still. Also, it's because it's not like I stand a chance of winning with LiLu and her 8 million followers (Hi Li!) and you and your pimpyness. Oh and Wendy's high fallutin' influential buddies. And so on. Damn. I am so going to be last. Hell, it's being nominated that counts right? That's what Oscar losers always say and I believe every word they say. Sniff.
I think you should have had your own categories, like "Most Gratuitous Lusting Over Gay Men" or "Blog With The Most YouTube Links" , you would have cleaned house!
He's Married.
You got my vote sugar plum. I'm on it!
(50% of this comment MIGHT be a lie.)
But look on the bright side, you are in fact a famous and powerful blogger who gets paid to do it (I mean I assume Starpulse pays you)! Doesn't that beat a Drysdale?
i also nominated you for the most PITA word verification blog - just saying
Come on, now... Regina George?! Can't I at least be like, the dumb nice evil friend of Regina George? At least she went on to play Lilly Kane.
How does this person exist?
Pay up.