Of course, I'm well aware of the similarities between the new song and Madonna's "Express Yourself" (which has itself often been called a sped-up reboot of The Staple Singers' "Respect Yourself") with a bit of "Vogue" thrown in for good measure. But I've pretty

much had it with everyone just dismissing Gaga as a Madonna clone. Partly because, if we're just talking vocally, Gaga is 10 times the singer that Madonna ever was. Also, Gaga doesn't have disgusting Gollum arms (but who knows what will happen after a few more decades). But mainly this irritates me because I seem to remember Madonna ripping off everyone from Marilyn Monroe to Grace Jones. But because Madonna is an icon now, everyone is forced to look back at her career with reverence as if she changed the faces of fashion and music, when she did neither. She was certainly hugely influential, but that doesn't mean that anything she did was original—especially not where music is concerned.
Exhibit A: All dance music essentially sounds the same.
Exhibit B: The aformentioned Staple Singers melody-borrowing
Exhibit C: "Papa Don't Preach" vs. "Sugar Don't Bite"
Exhibit D: A songwriter named Aisha collected a shit-ton of evidence to prove that Madonna is a thief, some of which is weak, but some of which is pretty compelling.

I just can't grasp why everyone wants to harp on this when, if you turn on pop radio right now, you won't hear one song that you can't compare to something else...and Top 40 fans swallow it all down. But now they want to diss Gaga for wearing her influences on her sleeve or pointy shoulder pad or whatever the hell she's wearing. It doesn't really make sense. I mean, you barely heard a peep when Jason Derulo jacked the middle part of Gaga's "Just Dance" for his song "In My Head." And Ryan Tedder, whose songs all sound alike, has no problem saying that Gaga's new song is just a Madonna retread, but whined like a baby when Kelly Clarkson pointed out (rightly) that the song he gave her, "Already Gone" was just Beyonce's "Halo" with some subtle differences. It's all a little hypocritical, isn't it? But I guess everyone is going to pounce on Gaga because she's the big star of the moment. If she's still around in another 20 years, everyone will talk about her like she was a brilliant visionary and act like they never doubted her for a second.

Look, if you listen to pop or dance music, I hate to tell you, but it's pretty much all been done. And really, you probably don't listen to that kind of music for any deep meaning. At least I hope you don't. I sure don't. Even though I know that Gaga is actually trying to convey a message with this song, all I care about is that it has an awesome groove that will make cute gay boys take off their clothes and dance around in their underwear. And that is something that I can always get behind.
Is it like Express Yourself? Yep a whole lot, which I think you talk to really well.
Are the lyrics non-subtle? Yeppers, and I am all for gay equality, being gay and all. It's about the beat, people. I bought it on itunes and was bopping to it on the treadmill like crazy this weekend. The track rocks. Can;t wait for the album!
However, this new single of hers disappoints me. Although I agree that much of pop music has been "done" already, this new song is way too close to other songs to pretend that it contains a shred of originality.
Poker Face and Bad Romance do at least have originality in melody if nothing else. After all the hype about "Born This Way" I hoped for a bit more.
People who need gimmicks (like cone-shaped boobs or a plastic egg) rely on them to hide the fact that they really don't have any real talent.
Freddie Mercury was WAY more talented. Yes, he was dramatic but he had the voice to back it up.
i'm not even that much of a gaga fan, when it comes down to it; i just hate the arguments used against her. they're far too easy and convenient.
Then can we just stop making this drivel?
And as terrible as this is, I want that silver lame jacket.
As for Gaga, I'm not really a fan, but I like this song. And I certainly expect that she has higher aspirations than to copy that hack Madonna.
As for the showmanship, well hell. What's wrong with that? Pop music is inherently silly, and trying to make people act like it's serious is kind of ridiculous. Whoever said it doesn't preclude talent is right. Unless Elton John, David Bowie, Peter Gabriel, and countless others are just talentless con men trying to get by.